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Frequently Asked Questions
What is a diagnostic evaluation?A diagnostic evaluation is a verification of a diagnosis based on the information provided and data reviewed by our psychologist. You are encouraged to take the evaluation to your treating medical and/or mental health professional for follow-up treatment.
What will I receive after the evaluation?You will receive a report that has demographic information, report of presenting problems, testing results, a diagnosis, and a description of the diagnosis. It will be sent in PDF format so that you can download it for your records.
Can I get a printed copy of the report mailed to me?Unfortunately no. As a virtual testing center, we have made it so that everything is done electronically. This includes the report as well. Given the amount of evaluations that are done, it is not feasible to send documents through the mail. Through our system, you will get them quicker and they will not get lost in the mail.
Can I get a document filled out for me (ie disability, FMLA, etc.)?We are not able to complete additional forms for those that have been evaluated. The diagnostic evaluation is meant to stand on its own, meaning that it is a verification of the diagnosis that you can share with your local medical and/or mental health professional for ongoing treatment. These local professionals would be better suited to complete documents.
Can my evaluation be sent to professionals or agencies directly?Unfortunately no. Once you receive the evaluation, you are free to forward it to whomever you would like, as it is your report. We encourage you to share it with your providers (counselor, PCP, psychiatrist, etc.).
What if my Autism evaluation turns out that I do not meet the diagnostic criteria for Autism?This is going to happen. Keep in mind that less than 2% of the population has an Autism diagnosis. Some individuals have one or more characteristics of Autism, but do not meet all of the criteria for Autism diagnosis. For example, sensory processing issues can fall under Autism, but they can fall under other diagnoses as well (ADHD, anxiety, etc.) or they can just exist on their own. No one thing makes a person Autistic. Likewise, no single assessment tool will identify Autism, which is why multiple assessments are used and the results are measured against the virtual interview. You are encouraged to take the Autism Screener Test prior to signing up for the Autism evaluation.
I saw a video online of an Autistic person talking about Autism and now I think I may be Autistic too. What should I do?The social media videos that are available today provide us with a lot of information and misinformation. Keep in mind that just because a person claims to be Autistic, there is no verification of it and, sadly, some people make things up for more views and likes. If a person is truly Autistic, he or she may be talking about their symptoms, which may even be similar to yours. However, there are various components to Autism that have to be examined in the diagnostic process. For example, an Autistic individual may be sharing about the difficulties being around other people. You may think to yourself, “I have difficulties being around other people so I must be Autistic too.” However, social difficulties can occur for multiple reasons, such as anxiety, low self-esteem, traumatic experiences, depression, history of bullying, poor social skills training as a child, shyness or introversion, or speech and language difficulties to name a few. Final word, be careful about diagnosing yourself based off of other people.
What do I need for a virtual assessment?You will need a device with both video and audio capabilities, such as a laptop, tablet, or cell phone. You should be in a quiet area away from distractions and other people so your symptoms can be discretely discussed.
Do I have to live in Ohio in order to receive a virtual evaluation?Yes. The person receiving the evaluations has to be a current resident of Ohio. We do not provide evaluations for those living in other states.
How long does it take to receive the results?Generally, results will be emailed to you in about 2-4 weeks.
Do you accept any insurances?Sorry. We are a fee-for-service provider and do not accept any insurances. However, you have the option of making payments when you purchase any evaluation through OPO.
Do I have to pay the entire cost up front or can I make payments?Through Wix Payments, you can choose to pay the entire cost of the evaluation at once or you can arrange payment options through Afterpay. This is not handled through Ohio Psych Online (OPO).
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